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Question of the day #2: Climate Value at Risk (CVaR)


 This should interest especially to all Risk management professionals and mathematicians. Try to answer this question using all your experiences and understanding of the fundamentals about a parameter called Climate Value at Risk.  Your response should be easy to understand for those professionals who are not from your field. 

Are you ready?

Here are simple questions:

1.  How do you explain CVaR in not more than 50 words?

2. Is it good to have a high or low value of CVaR ?

3. How do you interpret the value of CVaR as 0 or 0%? Is it possible to have such a value in practice?

4. How do you interpret the value of CVaR as 1 or 100%? Is it possible to have such a value in practice?

Please share your comments here. We will look forward to hear from you. Thanks!


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