Question of the day#1: Chapter 1

Question of the day#1: Chapter 1


In the early part of the Holocene epoch, around 11,000 years ago, Earth's climate began to transition from the last glacial period to the warmer conditions of the present. The temperatures hit the lowest during little ice age and then started warming up thereafter. What is the approximate temperature difference (in centigrade) between today and peak of mid Holocene period?


A. 1.5

B. 1.0 

C. 6.0

D. 0.0 

What is your answer and why?

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Few questions to try from Chapter 1

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#GARP #SCR #Chapter #Exam #Test


  1. D is the answer. After a little ice age, temperatures have risen sharply in recent years, with a 1 degree rise in the last century, putting us on par with peak Holocene temperatures.

  2. Replies
    1. GARP SCR BLOG Team4 September 2023 at 16:36

      Can you please explain why A should be correct?

  3. Replies
    1. GARP SCR BLOG team4 September 2023 at 16:36

      Can you please explain why C should be correct?

  4. First thought it‘s B (1) as this is the difference of little ice age (approx. 200-300y ago) to 2010. However, as it was asked to compare today with peak of mid-Holocene (approx. 7000y ago), the difference is 0. Thus, answer D is correct.

    1. GARP SCR BLOG team4 September 2023 at 16:34

      You are absolutely right in your reasoning. Well done.


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