
Showing posts from August, 2023


Please scroll down to view the searched post. Banner image to all the posts is added to celebrate success of my LinkedIn members who cleared the GARP SCR Exam!  LinkedIn community link:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Quiz#7 : Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 7

Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 7 Thank God,its Friday. A brand new exciting quiz for you! This quiz is based on Chapter 7: "Climate Models and Scenario Analysis"  from GARP SCR course. You will find some interesting questions to tackle. Please feel free to share your feedback. Ready for the exam then? Click on this    link to take the short exam   Why support? #Questions #quiz #GARP #SCR #exam #free #Chapter #Climate #Model #Scenario #Analysis #Test

Question of the day#1: Chapter 1

Question of the day#1: Chapter 1 Question: In the early part of the Holocene epoch, around 11,000 years ago, Earth's climate began to transition from the last glacial period to the warmer conditions of the present. The temperatures hit the lowest during little ice age and then started warming up thereafter. What is the approximate temperature difference (in centigrade) between today and peak of mid Holocene period? Options: A. 1.5 B. 1.0  C. 6.0 D. 0.0  What is your answer and why?

Quiz#6 : Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 6

Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 6   Thank God,its Friday. A brand new exciting quiz for you! This quiz is based on Chapter 6: "Climate Risk Measurement and Management"  from GARP SCR course. You will find some interesting questions to tackle. Please feel free to share your feedback. Ready for the exam then? Click on this   link to take the short exam     Why support? #Questions #quiz #GARP #SCR #exam #free #Chapter #Climate #Risk #Management #Test

Understanding GARP SCR Exam (English)

Understanding GARP SCR Exam As you start preparing for the GARP SCR exam, it is important to understand key point about the exam: 1. Exam happens twice a year: April 15-23 and October 21-29 only 2. Exam success rate is 50-55% globally – So what! Take it as a challenge 3. Exam can’t be taken at home. You must select an examination centre 4. You will keep receiving multiple informational emails and reminders from GARP after you register  5. You get  FREE access to online book only plus one full length practice exam 6. Book content gets revised every year on Dec 1 7. 80 Multiple choice questions and 180 minutes (3 hours)        Alert: It can be tiring. Practice-well 8. There is no passing percentage, it is a percentile (depends upon how others score) 9. No negative marking for a wrong answer       - Keep 2 mins/question      - You can bookmark the question and move ahead      - You are provided a pen and book in some centres       - Ear plugs may be provided in some centres