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Chapter 2: Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Change: Insights for GARP SCR Examination

Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Change: Insights for GARP SCR Examination

 Dear Readers,

Today, we are going to discuss about Nature-based solutions (NbS) to address climate change. This is also an important point to note while preparing for GARP SCR examination.


According to the definition set by IUCN ( International Union for Conservation of Nature #iucn), Nature-based solutions are actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems, that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits. The whole idea is to ensure reduction of greenhouse gases being added to the environment thereby reducing the impact on climate change - and in the process provide benefits to the well being of human-being and biodiversity.

For nature-based climate solutions to be viable, the World Wildlife Fund (#wwf ) argues they must:

1) Address climate change and increase ecosystem functionality;

2) Be science-based; 

3) Be synergistic; 

4) Be designed and implemented with local stakeholders and indigenous peoples; and 

5) Be measurable and traceable.

An international case study for point#4 above:

In Cambodia, a 34,000 hectare reforestation project resulted in native forest being replaced by a species mono-culture at considerable cost to local biodiversity – and the local community. Details can be found at


It is important to note that Nature based solutions are not a substitution but complement overall emission reduction initiatives like e industrial carbon dioxide removal options including BECCS, direct air capture and storage of carbon dioxide, and enhanced weathering of crushed silicate rocks.

Other useful links from the same chapter:

The Importance of Ecosystem Services for Human Well-being

Understanding Greenwashing, Greenwishing, and Sustainability Challenges

Sustainability Sub-Types, Climate Impacts, and Responses

For more information, please join the LinkedIn group

#garp, #scr, #iucn, #wwf, #biodiversity, and #emissionreductioninitiatives


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