Sustainability Sub-Types, Climate Impacts, and Responses: Insights for GARP SCR Examination Hello Readers, In today's post, I am going to discuss about different sustainability sub-types and their relationships. Sustainability sub-types being sustainable development, sustainable consumption, sustainable business, and sustainable investing and ESG; climate impacts; and climate responses. For the aspirations of GARP SCR examination, this post is from Chapter 2 and is an important topic based on which at least 2-3 questions usually come. Please observe below points: 1. "Climate change’s impacts" are cross-cutting and do not just fall within sustainability . Few parts are explicitly under climate change alone. Please see shaded area#1. While shaded areas # 2,3,4,5 are explicitly under Sustainability alone. 2. "Climate policy" falls under sustainable development, but government policies are not typically discussed in terms of ESG, which is a monike...