
Showing posts from July, 2023


Please scroll down to view the searched post. Banner image to all the posts is added to celebrate success of my LinkedIn members who cleared the GARP SCR Exam!  LinkedIn community link:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Quiz#5 : Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 5

Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 5 A brand new quiz for you! About the quiz: Short exam has 10 questions based on Chapter-5 - "Green and Sustainable  Finance: Markets and Instruments" The test is self-timed so you will not find a timer on this test.  Email address is required Ready for the exam then? Click on this link to take the short exam        Why support? #Questions #quiz #GARP #SCR #exam #free #chapter-wise #Green #Finance #Market #Test

GARP SCR Exam Preparation: First Online Orientation session

  To all the GARP SCR aspirants who are planning to or just started with the preparation, have these questions crossed your mind sometime? - How much do I need to plan for preparing for the exam? - How do I start the preparation? - What material to use for prepare? - How much preparation is enough? - How do you assess the preparation? Relax! The first virtual orientation session is planned on 30th July'23 (Sunday) at 1500 hours CET (Central European Time) to answer the above questions and many more.  To participate:  Please take a minute to fill up the form    I intend to have similar sessions to help clarify doubts that you may get while you prepare for the exam. The preferences that you have shared in the above form will help me organize the sessions as per the convenience of majority of the interested participants. #GARP #SCR #Virtual #Meeting #Session #Exam #Test

Quiz#4 : Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 4

Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 4 T.G.I.F (Thank God it's Friday) It is Friday again and I am back with a new exciting quiz based on Chapter 4  - "Sustainability and Climate Policy, Culture, and Governance" of GARP SCR certification course Let me also take this opportunity to thank all those who have attempted the previous quizzes. It feels exciting to have received a great response and interest so far. To all those who have provided email while submitting response to the quiz, I have provided a deeper analysis of your test performance and emailed the detailed analysis - highlighting your strong and improvement areas individually to each one of you. I believe the feedback will be useful for you to reflect on the performance and then use it to prepare better.  Look forward to you take this test too. Wish you all the best for this quiz.  Link to the free test >>>> Please click here to take up the test.  

Virtual meeting#1 : GARP SCR exam - doubt clearing, networking et al

Please join me for an online meeting and let's make your GARP SCR exam preparation journey even more rewarding I have prepared a short questionnaire to collect your preference before the date and time of the session is decided. Please take some time to share your preference. Click here to provide your preference #GARP #SCR #exam #doubt #clarification #online #virtual

Quiz#3 : Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 3

Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 3   Hope you are doing well. After having taking  tests on first 2 chapters, you must be progressing to further chapters with the same zeal and enthusiasm.  As you progress, it becomes more and more detailed. There are a lot of points to note and it is important that you get an in-depth understanding of the topics. Chapter 3 on "Climate Change risk" is an interesting topic to go through. I have created a short test for you to test your understanding of different topics. At the end of the test, this might give you an idea of the topic(s) that you might need to revise.  Please note that the : Short exam has 10 questions based on Chapter-3 The test is self-timed so you will not find a timer on this test.  Email address is required  Ready for the exam then? Click on this link to take the short exam I am not perfect and I will be all ears in case you feel that any improvement is required to

Connect on LinkedIn

Dear Visitor, You can anytime leave your comment here and I will connect with you. You can also connect with me on below LinkedIn groups #garp #scr #exam #test

Quiz#2 : Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 2

Test Your Understanding with a FREE Quiz for GARP SCR Certification - Chapter 2  Hello Readers: While I was preparing for the SCR exam, I always wanted to test my understanding after the end of each chapter. The idea was to take the short exam to assess my understanding of each chapter. If there were certain topics that I could not answer correctly, I would go back and study those topics in more detail and more thoroughly.  This is my motivation to help the aspirants of SCR certification with chapter-wise short exams. Try it for FREE and share your feedback.  Please note that the : Short exam has 10 questions based on Chapter-1 The test is self-timed so you will not find a timer on this test.  Email address is required Ready for the exam then? Click on this link to take the short exam I am not perfect and I will be all ears in case you feel that any improvement is required to the quiz.      Why support? #Questions #quiz #GARP #SCR #exam #free #chatpter-wise

Chapter 4: EU Green taxonomy

EU Green Taxonomy: Key Objectives and Guidelines Hello Readers: Today, I am posting about EU Green Taxonomy. For the GARP SCR exam aspirants, this is an important point for preparation.  SCR exam usually have questions that can be around the criteria points for classifying the economic activities  being termed as "Green" and also the drawbacks about the EU Green taxonomy. So, please read on.  A very prominent strand of emerging public policy and regulatory responses to climate change and environmental challenges is green taxonomies. Until recently, policymakers and regulators had not felt the need to create lists of economic activities considered “green.” Such green lists or “taxonomies” are now being created in a number of jurisdictions, including ASEAN, Canada, China, the EU, Malaysia, and the UK. The furthest along in this regard is the European Union.  The EU Taxonomy, first published in draft format in March 2020, sets performance thresholds (referred to as “technic

Additional features to the blog

 Dear Readers:  As more and more visitors read the blog, I have added some additional features to the blog for easier and better access  to the information. Below are the features added: 1.  Translation tool - Enables the reader to easily translate the posts to any other language. 2.  Search the blog - This enables to read about any specific topic among the multiple posts 3.  Contact me  form : This enables the reader to send me a message 4.  RSS feed : This will keep the readers updates about the new posts on the blog Hope it helps. #GARP #SCR #exam